8 Tips for Improving Quality of Life with a Disability

The incidence of disabilities is far more common than you might realize. Ensuring that people with a disability have maximum quality of life is very important. With some time and effort, you can help enhance the quality of daily life for a disabled person you care about.

1. Personal Space

Some people who use a mobility aid, such as a wheelchair, walker or cane, see these aids as part of their personal space. Similarly, never start to push someone’s wheelchair without first asking the occupant’s permission. This is also important for safety.

2. Be Flexible to Family Members of People with Disabilities

Many people with disabilities have family members who care for or provide companionship. Being flexible to the family members provides a compounded positive impact to people with disabilities. 

3. Help Them Feel Useful and Needed

Often these people may feel isolated and lonely. Some great suggestions are arrange for family and friends to visit, eat with or take them out regularly, get them involved in a hobby or encourage them to volunteer with religious institutions, social communities or charity organizations. 

4. Keep Them Mentally Active

People with disabilities can play games which can aid increase their mental power. Reading, writing, crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other brain games are all great activities for mental stimulation. Having a sharp and active mind improves overall well-being. 

5. Encourage Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular physical activity helps keep both body and mind feeling balance and positive. No matter how gentle, any physical activity boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, improves heart health, and improves strength and stamina and many more amazing benefits. 

6. Plan Regular Trips or Visits

If a loved one, family member, or dear friend is suffering from a disability, one of the most powerful ways to show your love and support — and to demonstrate to them how much you care — is to stop by for regular visits. Life can be hectic with any number of personal commitments, but if you can take the time out of your busy schedule, it can make a big difference to their mental and emotional wellbeing. 

7. Find a Pet for Them

Pets can be great companions. It is important to choose a type of animal that the person likes, and that they are able to look after given their disability. Having a pet can contribute to one’s sense of responsibility, and overall happiness and wellbeing.

8. Find Ways How They Can Contribute to Others

It gives a sense of confidence, self-esteem, and happiness to give to others who are in need or less fortunate, and it can also help a disabled person to feel better about their own situation as they realize they still have gifts they can give to others who may be in even more challenging situations than they are.

Empowered Liveability provides all types of SDA Housing in Melbourne and types of homes with disabilities. Contact us at admin@empoweredliveability.com.au or call now at 1300 974 912.
